Grace Lutheran Church is a community of imperfect but welcoming people who gather in the healing and redemptive grace of Jesus Christ. Called together by the Spirit of God, we seek to reflect God's love and carry God's surprising grace into the world. We call this "living the gift." All are welcome to join us in the worship of God. We have two gatherings of worship each weekend:
Sunday, 8:30 am
This service is considered traditional, with sung liturgy and organ accompaniment. Often our choir sings at this service. Special music offerings are frequently enjoyed. Fellowship, coffee and treats follow this service (at 9:45am), with our friends from the later service.
Sunday, 10:30 am
Music is led by our Praise Band and ranges from contemporary to blue grass. Children often participate with the music. Fellowship, coffee and treats are enjoyed prior to this service (at 9:45am), with our friends from the earlier service.
We rotate between Holy Communion and Healing Services, week-to-week. We offer Holy Communion the same way Christ has given it to us: freely, recklessly, lavishly, joyfully! All are welcome at the table of the Lord. On alternating weekends we practice the laying on of hands and anointing of oil for healing as part of our worship. We do this to honor God's desire that each person would be healthy and whole in body, mind and spirit.
In the Christian tradition, Contemplative Prayer is considered to be the pure gift of God. It is the opening of mind and heart--our whole being to God, the Ultimate Mystery, beyond thoughts, words, and emotions. Through grace we open our awareness to God whom we know by faith is within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking closer than choosing—closer than consciousness itself. Centering Prayer is a method designed to facilitate the development of Contemplative Prayer by preparing our faculties to receive this gift. It is an attempt to present the teachings of earlier times in an updated form.
Lectio Divina is the most traditional way of cultivating friendship with Christ. It is a way of listening to the texts of scripture as if we were in conversation with Christ and He was suggesting the topics of conversation. It is listening with the "ear" of the heart. The daily encounter with Christ and reflection on His word leads beyond mere acquaintanceship to an attitude of friendship, trust and love.
Special Services throughout the Church Year
We typically offer Wednesday evening worship services (7:00pm) throughout Advent and Lent. These services may include special music such as Taize or other contemplative approaches. Dinner Church may also be offered for mid-week services. See calendar for details.
Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Services are always scheduled during Lent and Holy Week. Typically, afternoon and evening services are held on these occasions.
A Thanksgiving Eve Service is held the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving. Often, we partner with other Lutheran church(es) to offer this special service of thanksgiving.
At least two candlelight Christmas Eve services are offered, one with the Praise Band and another with Choir and brass music.
Christmas Day services are held in partnership with other Lutheran churches in Davenport.
Candles and Carols is a long-standing Advent tradition at Grace – a musical worship celebration, usually held the Sunday evening prior to Christmas. This 7:00 pm service was first held at Grace during the World War II years and has been offered annually since 1945. We sing Advent & Christmas hymns, listen to our beautiful choirs and other musicians, along with Bible readings.