Children, Youth and Family Ministries
"You are a child of God deserving of love and respect, and God will use you to change the world." David Lose
At Grace, we lead with our baptismal promise and strive to be a faithful resource for parents and their children. We provide classes and programs, give resources to do at home, and provide a friendly environment for families in worship. We involve children in worship, serving as acolytes and crucifers. Children's Sermons are offered most weeks.
Confirmation – We offer a 2-year Confirmation Program for youth in 7th and 8th grades. During that time we study the Bible, learn what it means to be a Lutheran, have loads of fun activities, do local service projects, and attend Confirmation Camp.
Youth Group – High school students meet once a month for youth group, participate in mission trips and attend the incredible ELCA Youth Gathering which is offered every 3 years.

- Become a Junior Bible Study Leader or shepherd (assistant) on Sunday mornings to share wonderful stories of the Bible with children.
- Sign up to mentor a Confirmation student.
- Open your home and share your faith as a Youth Group Host on occasion.
- Be a host for our Young Families Gathering once a month.
- Accompany high school youth on mission trips.
- We also love new ideas for you and our youth to be involved!